
Contains the built-in commands for Azure.

Each module represents an individual awsrun Command that can be invoked via the command line awsrun.cli tool. When specifying the name of the command to invoke, only the last portion of the dotted module name is required as is included by default in the path used by awsrun.cmdmgr.

Users can build their own commands as well. Please refer to the awsrun documentation for instructions on how to define and install your own commands.

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# Copyright 2019 FMR LLC <>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
"""Contains the built-in commands for Azure.

Each module represents an individual awsrun `awsrun.runner.Command` that can be
invoked via the command line `awsrun.cli` tool. When specifying the name of the
command to invoke, only the last portion of the dotted module name is required
as `` is included by default in the path used by

Users can build their own commands as well. Please refer to the `awsrun`
documentation for instructions on how to define and install your own commands.


Adapter for the Azure Command Line Interface (CLI) …

Display overlapping CIDR blocks between VNETs …

Display the route tables configured in a subscription …

Display the Virtual Networks (VNETs) configured in a subscription …