.. jurity documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Wed Feb 17 15:53:46 2021. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. Jurity: Fairness & Evaluation Library ====================================== Jurity is a research library that provides fairness metrics, recommender system evaluations, classification metrics and bias mitigation techniques. The library adheres to PEP-8 standards and is tested heavily. Jurity is developed by the Artificial Intelligence Center of Excellence at Fidelity Investments. Available Fairness Metrics --------------------------------- * `Average Odds `_ * `Disparate Impact `_ * `Equal Opportunity `_ * `False Negative Rate Difference `_ * `False Omission Rate Difference `_ * `Generalized Entropy Index `_ * `Predictive Equality `_ * `Statistical Parity `_ * `Theil Index `_ Available Bias Mitigation Techniques ------------------------------------------- * `Equalized Odds `_ Available Recommenders Metrics ------------------------------------------- * `AUC: Area Under the Curve `_ * `CTR: Click-through rate `_ * `Precision@K `_ * `Recall@K `_ * `MAP@K: Mean Average Precision `_ * `NDCG: Normalized discounted cumulative gain `_ * `Inter-List Diversity `_ * `Intra-List Diversity `_ Available Classification Metrics --------------------------------- * `Accuracy `_ * `AUC `_ * `F1 Score `_ * `Precision `_ * `Recall `_ .. include:: quick.rst Source Code =========== The source code is hosted on :repo:`GitHub <>`. .. sidebar:: Contents .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 quick install about_fairness about_reco api Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex`