.. _install: Installation ============ .. admonition:: Installation Options There are two alternatives to install the library: 1. Install via pip 2. Build from source code .. _requirements: Requirements ------------ The library requires Python **3.6+** and depends on standard packages such as ``pandas, numpy`` The ``requirements.txt`` lists the necessary packages. Install via pip -------------------------- After installing the requirements, you can install the library using the following command: .. code-block:: bash pip install jurity Install from source code ------------------------ Alternatively, you can build a wheel package on your platform from scratch using the source code: .. code-block:: bash pip install setuptools wheel # if wheel is not installed python setup.py bdist_wheel pip install dist/jurity-X.X.X-py3-none-any.whl Test Your Setup --------------- To confirm that cloning the repo was successful, run the first example in the [Quick Start](#quick-start). To confirm that the whole installation was successful, run the tests and all should pass. .. code-block:: bash python -m unittest discover -v tests Upgrading the Library --------------------- To upgrade to the latest version of the library, run ``pip install --upgrade jurity``.