Mab2Rec: Multi-Armed Bandits Recommender ======================================== Mab2Rec is a Python library for building bandit-based recommendation algorithms. It supports **context-free**, **parametric** and **non-parametric** **contextual** bandit models powered by `MABWiser `_ and fairness and recommenders evaluations powered by `Jurity `_. It supports `all bandit policies available in MABWiser `_. The library is designed with rapid experimentation in mind, follows the `PEP-8 standards `_ and is tested heavily. Mab2Rec and several of the open-source software it is built on is developed by the Artificial Intelligence Center at Fidelity Investments, including: * `MABWiser `_ to create multi-armed bandit recommendation algorithms (`IJAIT'21 `_, `ICTAI'19 `_). * `TextWiser `_ to create item representations via text featurization (`AAAI'21 `_). * `Selective `_ to create user representations via feature selection. * `Seq2Pat `_ to enhance users representations via sequential pattern mining (`AAAI'22 `_). * `Jurity `_ to evaluate recommendations including fairness metrics (`ICMLA'21 `_). An introduction to **content- and context-aware** recommender systems and an overview of the building blocks of the library is `presented at All Things Open 2021 `_. .. include:: quick.rst Source Code =========== The source code is hosted on :repo:`GitHub <>`. .. sidebar:: Contents .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 installation quick examples contributing api Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex`