
Installation Options

There are two alternatives to install the library:

  1. pip install mabwiser

  2. Build from the source code


The library requires Python 3.6+. The requirements.txt lists the necessary packages.

Source Code

Alternatively, you can build a wheel package on your platform from scratch using the source code:

git clone
cd mabwiser
pip install setuptools wheel # if wheel is not installed
python sdist bdist_wheel
pip install dist/mabwiser-X.X.X-py3-none-any.whl

Test Your Setup

To confirm that cloning was successful, run the tests included in the project.

All tests should pass.

git clone
cd mabwiser
python -m unittest discover tests

To confirm that installation was successful, try importing MABWiser in a Python shell or notebook.

from mabwiser.mab import MAB, LearningPolicy, NeighborhoodPolicy

For examples of how to use the library, refer to Usage Examples.

Upgrade the Library

To upgrade to the latest version of the library, run pip install –upgrade mabwiser.

If you are a custom build: 1. run git pull origin master in the repo folder 2. run python sdist bdist_wheel 3. run pip install --upgrade --no-cache-dir dist/mabwiser-X.X.X-py3-none-any.whl.