
Installation Options

The package can be installed with two options:

  1. Install from PyPI using pip install seq2pat

  2. Build from the source code (more on this in the following sections)


  • The library requires Python 3.7+, the Cython package, and a C++ compiler (gcc, clang or another). See requirements.txt for dependencies.

  • Make sure that the C++ compiler used in your Python installation is the same or compatible with the C++ compiler that you use to build the Cython artifacts. You can see the underlying C++ compiler of your Python installation using python -i.

  • On Windows, you can install MS Visual Studio Build Tools for the C++ compiler.

  • On Mac, you can install Command Line Tools for the Clang compiler.

Build from the source code

You can install the library on your platform from a wheel package created by the source code.

cd seq2pat
pip install setuptools wheel # if wheel is not installed
python build_ext --inplace # make the cython extension also complied for use in the current directory
python bdist_wheel
pip install dist/seq2pat-X.X.X-py3-none-any.whl


Don’t forget to replace X.X.X with the current version number.

Test Your Setup

Successful compilation creates Cython artifacts in the directory build.

To confirm that the installation was successful, run the tests included in the project.

If you install from PyPI, please also run python build_ext --inplace (or pip install -e .) under seq2pat folder to make sure the cython extension also complied for use in the current directory.

All tests should pass.

cd seq2pat
python -m unittest discover tests

You can now also import Seq2Pat in a Python shell or notebook.

from sequential.seq2pat import Seq2Pat, Attribute

For examples of how to use the library, refer to Usage Examples.

Upgrading the Library

To upgrade to the latest version of the library, run pip install seq2pat or git pull origin master in the repo folder, and then run pip install --upgrade --no-cache-dir dist/seq2pat-X.X.X-py3-none-any.whl.