kconnect use rancher

Connect to the rancher cluster provider and choose a cluster.


Connect to rancher via the configured identify provider, prompting the user to enter or choose connection settings and a target cluster once connected.

The kconnect tool generates a kubectl configuration context with a fresh access token to connect to the chosen cluster and adds a connection history entry to store the chosen connection settings. If given an alias name, kconnect will add a user-friendly alias to the new connection history entry.

The user can then reconnect to the provider with the settings stored in the connection history entry using the kconnect to command and the connection history entry ID or alias. When the user reconnects using a connection history entry, kconnect regenerates the kubectl configuration context and refreshes their access token.

kconnect use rancher [flags]


  # Discover Rancher clusters using Active Directory
	kconnect use rancher --idp-protocol rancher-ad

	# Discover clusters via Rancher using a API key
	kconnect use rancher --idp-protocol static-token --token ABCDEF
  # Reconnect to a cluster by its connection history entry alias.
  kconnect to mycluster

  # Display the user's connection history as a table.
  kconnect ls


  -a, --alias string              Friendly name to give to give the connection
      --api-endpoint string       The Rancher API endpoint
  -c, --cluster-id string         Id of the cluster to use.
      --cluster-name string       The Rancher user friendly cluster name
  -h, --help                      help for rancher
      --history-location string   Location of where the history is stored. (default "$HOME/.kconnect/history.yaml")
      --idp-protocol string       The idp protocol to use (e.g. saml, aad). See flags additional flags for the protocol.
  -k, --kubeconfig string         Location of the kubeconfig to use. (default "$HOME/.kube/config")
      --max-history int           Sets the maximum number of history items to keep (default 100)
  -n, --namespace string          Sets namespace for context in kubeconfig
      --no-history                If set to true then no history entry will be written
      --password string           The password to use for authentication
      --set-current               Sets the current context in the kubeconfig to the selected cluster (default true)
      --username string           The username used for authentication

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string      Configuration file for application wide defaults. (default "$HOME/.kconnect/config.yaml")
      --no-input           Explicitly disable interactivity when running in a terminal
      --no-version-check   If set to true kconnect will not check for a newer version
  -v, --verbosity int      Sets the logging verbosity. Greater than 0 is debug and greater than 9 is trace.

IDP Protocol Options


Use --idp-protocol=static-token

      --idp-protocol string   The idp protocol to use (e.g. saml). Each protocol has its own flags.
      --token string          the token to use for authentication


Use --idp-protocol=rancher-ad

      --api-endpoint string   The Rancher API endpoint
      --idp-protocol string   The idp protocol to use (e.g. saml). Each protocol has its own flags.
      --password string       The password to use for authentication
      --username string       The username used for authentication


  • kconnect use - Connect to a Kubernetes cluster provider and cluster.

NOTE: this page is auto-generated from the cobra commands