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Handles the building/saving of the configurations from the Spock config classes

ConfigArgBuilder Objects#

class ConfigArgBuilder()

Automatically generates dataclass instances from config file(s)

This class builds out necessary arguments from *args classes, reads the arguments from specified config file(s), and subsequently (via chained call to generate) generates each class instance based on the necessary field values for each backend class instance


  • _args - all command line args
  • _arg_namespace - generated argument namespace
  • _builder_obj - instance of a BaseBuilder class
  • _dict_args - dictionary args from the command line
  • _payload_obj - instance of a BasePayload class
  • _saver_obj - instance of a BaseSaver class
  • _tune_payload_obj - payload for tuner related objects -- instance of TunerPayload class
  • _tune_obj - instance of TunerBuilder class
  • _tuner_interface - interface that handles the underlying library for sampling -- instance of TunerInterface
  • _tuner_state - current state of the hyper-parameter sampler
  • _tune_namespace - namespace that hold the generated tuner related parameters
  • _sample_count - current call to the sample function
  • _fixed_uuid - fixed uuid to write the best file to the same path _configs = configs if configs is None else [Path(c) for c in configs]
  • _lazy - flag to lazily find @spock decorated classes registered within sys.modules["spock"].backend.config thus alleviating the need to pass all @spock decorated classes to *args
  • _no_cmd_line - turn off cmd line args
  • _desc - description for help
  • _salt - salt use for crypto purposes
  • _key - key used for crypto purposes


def __init__(*args, *, configs: Optional[List] = None, desc: str = "", lazy: bool = False, no_cmd_line: bool = False, s3_config: Optional[_T] = None, key: Optional[Union[str, ByteString]] = None, salt: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ,)

Init call for ConfigArgBuilder


  • *args - tuple of spock decorated classes to process
  • configs - list of config paths
  • desc - description for help
  • lazy - attempts to lazily find @spock decorated classes registered within sys.modules["spock"].backend.config as well as the parents of any lazily inherited @spock class thus alleviating the need to pass all @spock decorated classes to *args
  • no_cmd_line - turn off cmd line args
  • s3_config - s3Config object for S3 support
  • salt - either a path to a prior spock saved salt.yaml file or a string of the salt (can be an env reference)
  • key - either a path to a prior spock saved key.yaml file, a ByteString of the key, or a str of the key (can be an env reference)
  • **kwargs - keyword args


def __call__(*args, **kwargs) -> _T

Call to self to allow chaining


  • *args - non-keyword args
  • **kwargs - keyword args


  • ConfigArgBuilder - self instance


def generate() -> Spockspace

Generate method that returns the actual argument namespace


argument namespace consisting of all config classes


@propertydef tuner_status() -> Dict

Returns a dictionary of all the necessary underlying tuner internals to report the result


@propertydef best() -> Spockspace

Returns a Spockspace of the best hyper-parameter config and the associated metric value


@propertydef salt()

Returns the salt for crypto


@propertydef key()

Returns the key for crypto


def sample() -> Spockspace

Sample method that constructs a namespace from the fixed parameters and samples from the tuner space to generate a Spockspace derived from both


argument namespace(s) -- fixed + drawn sample from tuner backend


def tuner(tuner_config: _T) -> _T

Chained call that builds the tuner interface for either optuna or ax depending upon the type of the tuner_obj


  • tuner_config - a class of type or AX****


self so that functions can be chained


def _print_usage_and_exit(msg: Optional[str] = None, sys_exit: bool = True, exit_code: int = 1) -> None

Prints the help message and exits


  • msg - message to print pre exit




def _handle_tuner_objects(tune_args: List, s3_config: Optional[_T], kwargs: Dict) -> Tuple

Handles creating the tuner builder object if @spockTuner classes were passed in


  • tune_args - list of tuner classes
  • s3_config - s3Config object for S3 support
  • kwargs - optional keyword args


tuner builder object or None


@staticmethoddef _verify_attr(args: Tuple) -> None

Verifies that all the input classes are attr based


  • args - tuple of classes passed to the builder




@staticmethoddef _strip_tune_parameters(args: Tuple) -> Tuple[List, List]

Separates the fixed arguments from any hyper-parameter arguments


  • args - tuple of classes passed to the builder


  • fixed_args - list of fixed args
  • tune_args - list of args destined for a tuner backend


def _handle_cmd_line() -> argparse.Namespace

Handle all cmd line related tasks

Config paths can enter from either the command line or be added in the class init call as a kwarg (configs=[]) -- also trigger the building of the cmd line overrides for each fixed and tunable objects


  • args - namespace of args


def _build_override_parsers(desc: str) -> argparse.Namespace

Creates parsers for command-line overrides

Builds the basic command line parser for configs and help then iterates through each attr instance to make namespace specific cmd line override parsers -- handles calling both the fixed and tunable objects


  • desc - argparser description


  • args - argument namespace


@staticmethoddef _get_from_kwargs(args: argparse.Namespace, configs: List)

Get configs from the configs kwarg


  • args - argument namespace
  • configs - config kwarg


  • args - arg namespace


def _get_payload(payload_obj: Type[AttrPayload], input_classes: Tuple, ignore_args: List) -> Dict

Get the parameter payload from the config file(s)

Calls the various ways to get configs and then parses to retrieve the parameter payload - make sure to call deep update so as to not lose some parameters when only partially updating the payload


  • payload_obj - current payload object to call
  • input_classes - classes to use to get payload
  • ignore_args - args that were decorated for hyper-parameter tuning


  • payload - dictionary of parameter values


def _save(payload: Spockspace, file_name: str = None, user_specified_path: Path = None, create_save_path: bool = True, extra_info: bool = True, file_extension: str = ".yaml", tuner_payload: Optional[Spockspace] = None, fixed_uuid: str = None) -> _T

Private interface -- saves the current config setup to file with a UUID


  • payload - Spockspace to save
  • file_name - name of file (will be appended with .spock.cfg.file_extension) -- falls back to just uuid if None
  • user_specified_path - if user provides a path it will be used as the path to write
  • create_save_path - bool to create the path to save if called
  • extra_info - additional info to write to saved config (run date and git info)
  • file_extension - file type to write (default: yaml)
  • tuner_payload - tuner level payload (unsampled)
  • fixed_uuid - fixed uuid to allow for file overwrite


self so that functions can be chained


def save(file_name: str = None, user_specified_path: Union[Path, str] = None, create_save_path: bool = True, extra_info: bool = True, file_extension: str = ".yaml", add_tuner_sample: bool = False) -> _T

Saves the current config setup to file with a UUID


  • file_name - name of file (will be appended with .spock.cfg.file_extension) -- falls back to just uuid if None
  • user_specified_path - if user provides a path it will be used as the path to write
  • create_save_path - bool to create the path to save if called
  • extra_info - additional info to write to saved config (run date and git info)
  • file_extension - file type to write (default: yaml)
  • add_tuner_sample - save the current tuner sample to the payload


self so that functions can be chained


def save_best(file_name: str = None, user_specified_path: Path = None, create_save_path: bool = True, extra_info: bool = True, file_extension: str = ".yaml") -> _T

Saves the current best config setup to file


  • file_name - name of file (will be appended with .spock.cfg.file_extension) -- falls back to just uuid if None
  • user_specified_path - if user provides a path it will be used as the path to write
  • create_save_path - bool to create the path to save if called
  • extra_info - additional info to write to saved config (run date and git info)
  • file_extension - file type to write (default: yaml)


self so that functions can be chained


@propertydef config_2_dict() -> Dict

Dictionary representation of the arg payload


def spockspace_2_dict(payload: Spockspace) -> Dict

Converts an input SpockSpace into a dictionary


  • payload - SpockSpace generated by the ConfigArgBuilder


dictionary representation of the SpockSpace


def obj_2_dict(obj: Union[_C, List[_C], Tuple[_C, ...]]) -> Dict[str, Dict]

Converts spock classes from a Spockspace into their dictionary representations


  • obj - single spock class or an iterable of spock classes


dictionary where the class names are keys and the values are the dictionary representations


def evolve(*args: _C) -> Spockspace

Function that allows a user to evolve the underlying spock classes with instantiated spock objects

This will map the differences between the passed in instantiated objects and the underlying class definitions to the underlying namespace -- this essentially allows you to 'evolve' the Spockspace similar to how attrs allows for class evolution -- returns a new Spockspace object


  • *args - variable number of instantiated @spock decorated classes to evolve parameters with


  • new_arg_namespace - Spockspace evolved with *arg @spock decorated classes


  • _SpockEvolveError - if multiple of the same instance are passed as input or if the one or more of the inputs are not within the set of original input classes


def _recurse_upwards(new_arg_namespace: Spockspace, current_cls: str, all_cls: Dict) -> Tuple[Spockspace, Dict]

Using the underlying graph work recurse upwards through the parents and swap in the correct values


  • new_arg_namespace - new Spockspace object
  • current_cls - current name of the cls
  • all_cls - dict of the variable number of @spock decorated classes to evolve parameters with


modified new_arg_namespace and the updated evolve class dict


@staticmethoddef _set_matching_attrs_by_name_args(current_cls_name: str, parent_cls_name: str, all_cls: Dict) -> Dict

Sets the value of an attribute by matching it to a spock class name


  • current_cls_name - current name of the changed class
  • parent_cls_name - name of the parent class that contains a reference to the current class
  • all_cls - dict of the variable number of @spock decorated classes to evolve parameters with


modified all_cls dictionary


@staticmethoddef _set_matching_attrs_by_name(new_arg_namespace: Spockspace, current_cls_name: str, parent_cls_name: str) -> Spockspace

Sets the value of an attribute by matching it to a spock class name


  • new_arg_namespace - new Spockspace object
  • current_cls_name - current name of the changed class
  • parent_cls_name - name of the parent class that contains a reference to the current class


modified new_arg_namespace


def _maybe_crypto(key: Optional[Union[str, ByteString]], salt: Optional[str], s3_config: Optional[_T] = None, salt_len: int = 16) -> Tuple[str, ByteString]

Handles setting up the underlying cryptography needs


  • salt - either a path to a prior spock saved salt.yaml file or a string of the salt (can be an env reference)
  • key - either a path to a prior spock saved key.yaml file, a ByteString of the key, or a str of the key (can be an env reference)
  • s3_config - s3Config object for S3 support
  • salt_len - length of the salt to create


tuple containing a salt and a key that spock can use to hide parameters


def _get_salt(salt: Optional[str], env_resolver: EnvResolver, salt_len: int, s3_config: Optional[_T] = None) -> str


  • salt - either a path to a prior spock saved salt.yaml file or a string of the salt (can be an env reference)
  • env_resolver - EnvResolver class to handle env variable resolution if needed
  • salt_len - length of the salt to create
  • s3_config - s3Config object for S3 support


salt as a string


def _get_key(key: Optional[Union[str, ByteString]], env_resolver: EnvResolver, s3_config: Optional[_T] = None) -> ByteString


  • key - either a path to a prior spock saved key.yaml file, a ByteString of the key, or a str of the key (can be an env reference)
  • env_resolver - EnvResolver class to handle env variable resolution if needed
  • s3_config - s3Config object for S3 support


key as ByteString


@staticmethoddef _handle_yaml_read(value: str, access: str, s3_config: Optional[_T] = None, encode: bool = False) -> Union[str, ByteString]

Reads in a salt/key yaml


  • value - path to the key/salt yaml
  • access - which variable name to use from the yaml
  • s3_config - s3Config object for S3 support