Fine-Tuning for Downstream Tasks

All Word2Vec and transformer-based embeddings and any embedding followed with an svd transformation are fine-tunable for downstream tasks. In other words, if you pass the resulting fine-tunable embedding to a PyTorch training method, the features will automatically be trained for your application.

The fine-tuning is disabled by default. To activate it, turn the is_finetuneable parameter on and specify a torch dtype as the type of the output.

emb = TextWiser(Embedding.Word(word_option=WordOptions.word2vec),
                is_finetuneable=True, dtype=torch.float32)

Notice also that setting the sparse parameter of a WordOptions.word2vec model to True can yield significant speedup during training. Currently, optim.SGD (CUDA and CPU), optim.SparseAdam (CUDA and CPU), and optim.Adagrad (CPU) support sparse embeddings.

Fine Tuning Example shows the ability to fine-tune embeddings, and how they can improve the prediction performance.