
Installation Options

There are two alternatives to install the library:

  1. Install from PyPI using the prebuilt wheel package (pip install textwiser)

  2. Build from the source code


The library requires Python 3.8+. The requirements.txt lists the necessary packages. It is strongly recommended to install PyTorch following the PyTorch installation instructions before installing TextWiser. Otherwise, you might get stuck with a CPU-only version. Once PyTorch is installed, you can install the requirements using pip install -r requirements.txt.

The library is based on PyTorch but it also relies on:

  • Scikit-learn for NMF, LDA, TfIdf, and BoW

  • Flair for word vectors

  • Transformers for contextual word vectors

  • Spacy and it’s en model are optional imports for OpenAI GPT; the model can be installed using python -m spacy download en

  • Tensorflow is an optional import for Universal Sentence Encoder and ELMo. If you want to use USE or ELMo, make sure you satisfy tensorflow>=2.0.0 and tensorflow-hub>=0.7.0.

  • UMAP is an optional import for UMAP transformation. If you want to use UMAP, make sure you satisfy umap-learn>=0.5.1


TextWiser can be installed using pip install textwiser, which will download the latest wheel from PyPI. This will also install all required dependencies.

Alternatively, you can use pip install textwiser[full] to install TextWiser with all the optional dependencies.

Source Code

Alternatively, you can build a wheel package on your platform from scratch using the source code:

git clone
cd textwiser
pip install setuptools wheel # if wheel is not installed
python bdist_wheel
pip install dist/textwiser-X.X.X-py3-none-any.whl


Don’t forget to replace X.X.X with the current version number.

Test Your Setup

To confirm that installing the package was successful, run the first example in the Quick Start. To confirm that the whole installation was successful, run the tests and all should pass. When running the tests, it will download a 50MB pretrained model. Note that the PYTHONHASHSEED=0 variable is necessary to ensure Doc2Vec training is reproducible - you do not need this if reproducibility is not important, or if you’re not using Doc2Vec.

PYTHONHASHSEED=0 python -m unittest discover -v tests

You can also set the TEST_WORD_EMBEDDINGS environmental variable to comma-separated word embeddings (ex: bert,flair) to test them, or to all to test all possible word embeddings. Note that this will download all word embeddings, which is very time-consuming, and it assumes all optional requirements are satisfied.

TEST_WORD_EMBEDDINGS=all python -m unittest discover -v tests

For examples of how to use the library, refer to Usage Examples.

Upgrading the Library

To upgrade to the latest version of the library, run pip install -U textwiser. If installing from source, you can git pull origin master in the repo folder to pull the latest stable commit, and follow the installation instructions above.

Proxy Setup

In order to install the requirements and download pretrained models, a proxy setup may be required. Replace the proxy settings below with your own proxy configuration.


Update your .condarc file to include the following lines:

    http: http://<proxy_url>:<proxy_port>
    https: http://<proxy_url>:<proxy_port>


Use pip install --proxy http://<proxy_url>:<proxy_port> -r requirements.txt while installing the packages.

Unix Command Line

Add the following lines to your ~/.bashrc:

export http_proxy=http://<proxy_url>:<proxy_port>
export HTTPS_PROXY=$http_proxy
export https_proxy=$http_proxy
export HTTP_PROXY=$http_proxy
export ALL_PROXY=$http_proxy # (required by cURL)


Add the following environment variables to your run configuration:
