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Handles all S3 related ops -- allows for s3 functionality to be optional to keep req deps light


def handle_s3_load_path(path: str, s3_config: S3Config) -> str

Handles loading from S3 uri

Handles downloading file from a given s3 uri to a local temp location and passing the path back to the handler load call


  • path - s3 uri path
  • s3_config - s3_config object


  • temp_path - the temporary path of the config file downloaded from s3


def handle_s3_save_path(temp_path: str, s3_path: str, name: str, s3_config: S3Config)

Handles saving to S3 uri

Points to the local spock configuration file and handles getting it up to S3


  • temp_path - the temporary path the spock config was written out to locally
  • s3_path - base s3 uri
  • name - spock generated filename
  • s3_config - s3_config object


def get_s3_bucket_object_name(s3_path: str) -> typing.Tuple[str, str, str]

Splits a S3 uri into bucket, object, name


  • s3_path - s3 uri


bucket object name


def download_s3(bucket: str, obj: str, temp_path: str, s3_session: BaseClient, download_config: S3DownloadConfig) -> str

Attempts to download the file from the S3 uri to a temp location using any extra arguments to the download


  • bucket - s3 bucket
  • obj - s3 object
  • temp_path - local temporary path to write file
  • s3_session - current s3 session
  • download_config - S3DownloadConfig with extra options for the file transfer


  • temp_path - the temporary path of the config file downloaded from s3


def upload_s3(bucket: str, obj: str, temp_path: str, s3_session: BaseClient, upload_config: S3UploadConfig)

Attempts to upload the local file to the S3 uri using any extra arguments to the upload


  • bucket - s3 bucket
  • obj - s3 object
  • temp_path - temporary path of the config file
  • s3_session - current s3 session
  • upload_config - S3UploadConfig with extra options for the file transfer