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Keyword Configs

spock supports adding and/or overriding the config file path(s) normally specified via the command line argument -c with keyword arguments.

Specifying The Config Keyword Argument#

Let's pass in the yaml configuration file via the config keyword argument instead of at the command line. Simply add the config keyword argument to the SpockBuilder. Note: This is not the recommended best practice as it creates a dependency between code and configuration files. Please use the -c command line argument whenever possible. The config keyword arg should be used ONLY when necessary.

Editing our definition in:

def main():    # A simple description    description = 'spock Advanced Tutorial'    # Build out the parser by passing in Spock config objects as *args after description    config = SpockBuilder(ModelConfig, DataConfig, SGDConfig, desc=description, config=['./tutorial.yaml']).generate()    # Instantiate our neural net using    basic_nn = BasicNet(model_config=config.ModelConfig)    # Make some random data (BxH): H has dim of features in    x_data = torch.rand(config.DataConfig.n_samples, config.ModelConfig.n_features)    y_data = torch.randint(0, 3, (config.DataConfig.n_samples,))    # Run some training    train(x_data, y_data, basic_nn, config.ModelConfig, config.DataConfig, config.SGDConfig)

Now to run we don't need to pass a command line argument:


Specifying The Config Keyword Argument & The No Command Line Flag#

So if the config keyword arg is not recommended why do we support it? Mainly for two reasons:

  • Programmatic access to configuration files for other code/infrastructure (e.g. dispatching jobs from a work queue that might need to be parametrized)
  • To prevent command line arg clashes with other python code/libraries that might use the same or similar syntax (e.g. FastAPI)

For instance, let's say we were wrapping our simple neural net example into an async REST API (using something like FastAPI and a message queue such as redis). The FastAPI docker image has it's own set of command line arguments that get called and will clash with spock. Therefore we need to pass the configuration file(s) through the config keyword argument and deactivate the command line argument.

For instance, we create a route for our basic neural network (shown below). We add the no_cmd_line=True flag to the SpockBuilder to prevent spock from references command line arguments:"/inference/",  status_code=201)def create_job(*, data: schemata.Inference):    # Build out the parser by passing in Spock config objects as *args after description    config = SpockBuilder(ModelConfig, DataConfig, SGDConfig, desc=description, config=['./tutorial.yaml'],                               no_cmd_line=True).generate()    # Let's assume we have a model loading function based on our params    basic_nn = LoadBasicNet(model_config=config.ModelConfig)    # Make a prediction    y = basic_nn(data.x)    # Return the predictions    return_schema = schemata.InferenceReturn(        y=y,    )    return return_schema