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Local Definitions

The class based solution within spock provides the ability to change a global parameter value within a local class context.

Overriding a Global Value#

Let's define two new parameters with the same name but in two different classes that represent where some stuff is going to be cached. One for the model and one for some data.

Editing our definition in:

from enum import Enumfrom spock import spockfrom typing import Listfrom typing import Optionalfrom typing import Tuple

class Activation(Enum):    relu = 'relu'    gelu = 'gelu'    tanh = 'tanh'

class Optimizer(Enum):    sgd = 'SGD'    adam = 'Adam'

@spockclass ModelConfig:    n_features: int    dropout: Optional[List[float]]    hidden_sizes: Tuple[int, int, int] = (32, 32, 32)    activation: Activation = 'relu'    optimizer: Optimizer    cache_path: Optional[str]

@spockclass DataConfig:    batch_size: int = 2    n_samples: int = 8    cache_path: Optional[str]

@spockclass OptimizerConfig:    lr: float = 0.01    n_epochs: int = 2    grad_clip: Optional[float]

@spockclass SGDConfig(OptimizerConfig):    weight_decay: float    momentum: float    nesterov: bool

Now, if we edit our configuration file: tutorial.yaml

################# tutorial.yaml################# Globalcache_path: /tmp/cache/# Special Keysave_path: /tmp# ModelConfign_features: 64dropout: [0.2, 0.1]hidden_sizes: [32, 32, 16]activation: reluoptimizer: SGD# DataConfigbatch_size: 2n_samples: 8# OptimizerConfiglr: 0.01n_epochs: 2grad_clip: 5.0# SGD Configweight_decay: 1E-5momentum: 0.9nesterov: true

This configuration file would set both parameters to use the /tmp/cache/ value (i.e. it would set the parameter value globally). But what if we want to the data cache to be a different path? We can override the global parameter value with a local parameter value.

Editing our configuration file: tutorial.yaml

################# tutorial.yaml################# Globalcache_path: /tmp/cache/# Special Keysave_path: /tmp# ModelConfign_features: 64dropout: [0.2, 0.1]n_hidden: [32, 32, 16]activation: reluoptimizer: SGD# DataConfigbatch_size: 2n_samples: 8DataConfig:  cache_path: /home/user/cache/# OptimizerConfiglr: 0.01n_epochs: 2grad_clip: 5.0# SGD Configweight_decay: 1E-5momentum: 0.9nesterov: true