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Optional Parameters

spock allows for parameters to be defined as optional. This means that if the parameter value is not set from either a configuration file or a default value it will be assigned the None value. Optional spock parameters are defined using the Optional type from the typing standard library.

Defining Optional spock Parameters#

Optional parameters commonly occur in applications with complex behavior (like neural networks). For instance, what if you want to execute a specific behavior with some parameter(s) if the parameter is defined and if the parameter is not defined either skip the behavior or so something different. Normally this would require a combination of boolean logic and parameter definition (which might be useless...). spock remedies this with optional parameters.

As an example, let's assume we want to make dropout within our basic neural network optional. Let's modify the definition in:

from enum import Enumfrom spock import spockfrom typing import Listfrom typing import Optionalfrom typing import Tuple
class Activation(Enum):    relu = 'relu'    gelu = 'gelu'    tanh = 'tanh'

@spockclass ModelConfig:    lr: float = 0.01    n_features: int    dropout: Optional[List[float]]    hidden_sizes: Tuple[int, int, int] = (32, 32, 32)    activation: Activation = 'relu'

Notice that all we did was change the type from List[float] to Optional[List[float]].

Now let's edit our simple neural network code to reflect that dropout is now optional. We have to change the code a bit to be more modular (but still ugly for demonstration):

import torch.nn as nn
class BasicNet(nn.Module):    def __init__(self, model_config):        super(BasicNet, self).__init__()        # Make a dictionary of activation functions to select from        self.act_fncs = {'relu': nn.ReLU, 'gelu': nn.GELU, 'tanh': nn.Tanh}        self.use_act = self.act_fncs.get(model_config.activation)()        # Define the layers manually (avoiding list comprehension for clarity)        self.layer_1 = nn.Linear(model_config.n_features, model_config.hidden_sizes[0])        self.layer_2 = nn.Linear(model_config.hidden_sizes[0], model_config.hidden_sizes[1])        self.layer_3 = nn.Linear(model_config.hidden_sizes[1], model_config.hidden_sizes[2])        # Define some dropout layers        self.dropout = []        if model_config.dropout is not None:            self.dropout = [nn.Dropout(val) for val in model_config.dropout]        # Define the output layer        self.softmax = nn.Softmax(dim=1)
    def forward(self, x):        # x is the data input        # Layer 1        # Linear        x = self.layer_1(x)        # Activation        x = self.use_act(x)        # Dropout        if len(self.dropout) != 0:            x = self.dropout[0](x)        # Layer 2        # Linear        x = self.layer_2(x)        # Activation        x = self.use_act(x)        # Dropout        if len(self.dropout) != 0:            x = self.dropout[1](x)        # Layer 3        # Linear        x = self.layer_3(x)        # Softmax        output = self.softmax(x)        return output

Code Behavior#

If we use the same configuration file defined in: tutorial.yaml

################# tutorial.yaml################# ModelConfign_features: 64dropout: [0.2, 0.1]hidden_sizes: [32, 32, 16]activation: relu

With this configuration file, the parameter dropout is assigned the specified value. Thus our basic neural network will have dropout layers between Layer 1, Layer 2, and Layer 3.

However, if we use the following configuration file: tutorial_no_dropout.yaml

################# tutorial.yaml################# ModelConfign_features: 64hidden_sizes: [32, 32, 16]activation: relu

With this configuration file, the parameter dropout is assigned None. Thus our based on the logic in our code our basic neural network will not have dropout between layers.

This simple example demonstrates the power of spock optional parameters. Flow through code can easily be modified by simply changing the configuration file.