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Handles the tuner builder backend

TunerBuilder Objects#

class TunerBuilder(BaseBuilder)


def __init__(*args, **kwargs)

TunerBuilder init


  • *args - list of input classes that link to a backend
  • configs - None or List of configs to read from
  • desc - description for the arg parser
  • no_cmd_line - flag to force no command line reads
  • **kwargs - any extra keyword args


@staticmethoddef _make_group_override_parser(parser, class_obj, class_name)

Makes a name specific override parser for a given class obj

Takes a class object of the backend and adds a new argument group with argument names given with name Class.val.(unrolled config parameters) so that individual parameters specific to a class can be overridden.


  • parser - argument parser
  • class_obj - instance of a backend class
  • class_name - used for module matching


  • parser - argument parser with new class specific overrides