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Creates the spock config interface that wraps attr -- tune version for hyper-parameters


def _process_class(cls, kw_only: bool, make_init: bool, dynamic: bool)

Process a given class


  • cls - basic class definition
  • kw_only - set kwarg only
  • make_init - make an init function
  • dynamic - allows inherited classes to not be @spock decorated


cls with attrs dunder methods added


def _spock_tune(maybe_cls=None, kw_only=True, make_init=True)

Ovverides basic spock_attr decorator with another name

Using a different name allows spock to easily determine which parameters are normal and which are meant to be used in a hyper-parameter tuning backend


  • maybe_cls - maybe a basic class def maybe None depending on call type
  • kw_only - Make all attributes keyword-only
  • make_init - bool, define a init() method


  • cls - attrs class that is frozen and kw only

RangeHyperParameter Objects#

@attr.sclass RangeHyperParameter()

Range based hyper-parameter that is sampled uniformly


  • type - type of the hyper-parameter (note: spock will attempt to autocast into this type)
  • bounds - min and max of the hyper-parameter range
  • log_scale - log scale the values before sampling

ChoiceHyperParameter Objects#

@attr.sclass ChoiceHyperParameter()

Choice based hyper-parameter that is sampled uniformly


  • type - type of the hyper-parameter -- (note: spock will attempt to autocast into this type)
  • choices - list of variable length that contains all the possible choices to select from