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Handles the tuner interface interface

TunerInterface Objects#

class TunerInterface()

Handles the general tuner interface by creating the necessary underlying tuner class and dispatches necessary ops to the class instance


  • _fixed_namespace - fixed parameter namespace used for combination with a sample draw
  • _lib_interface - class instance of the underlying hyper-parameter library


def __init__(tuner_config: Union[OptunaTunerConfig, AxTunerConfig], tuner_namespace: Spockspace, fixed_namespace: Spockspace)

Init call to the TunerInterface


  • tuner_config - necessary object to determine the interface and sample correctly from the underlying library
  • tuner_namespace - tuner namespace that has attr classes that maps to an underlying library types
  • fixed_namespace - namespace of fixed parameters


def sample()

Public interface to underlying library specific sample that returns a single sample/draw from the hyper-parameter sets (e.g. ranges, choices) and combines them with the fixed parameters into a single Spockspace


Spockspace of drawn sample of hyper-parameters and fixed parameters


@propertydef tuner_status()

Returns a dictionary of all the necessary underlying tuner internals to report the result


@propertydef best()

Returns a Spockspace of the best hyper-parameter config and the associated metric value