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Handles the building/saving of the configurations from the Spock config classes

BaseBuilder Objects#

class BaseBuilder(ABC)

Base class for building the backend specific builders

This class handles the interface to the backend with the generic ConfigArgBuilder so that different backends can be used to handle processing


_input_classes: list of input classes that link to a backend_graph: Graph, graph of the dependencies between spock classes_max_indent: maximum to indent between help prints_module_name: module name to register in the spock module spacesave_path: list of path(s) to save the configs to_lazy: attempts to lazily find @spock decorated classes registered withinsys.modules["spock"].backend.config_salt: salt use for crypto purposes_key: key used for crypto purposes


def __init__(*args, *, max_indent: int = 4, module_name: str, lazy: bool, salt: str, key: ByteString, **kwargs, ,)

Init call for BaseBuilder


  • *args - iterable of @spock decorated classes
  • max_indent - max indent for pretty print of help
  • module_name - module name to register in the spock module space
  • lazy - lazily find @spock decorated classes
  • salt - cryptographic salt
  • key - cryptographic key
  • **kwargs - keyword args


@propertydef input_classes()

Returns the graph of dependencies between spock classes


@propertydef dag()

Returns the underlying graph DAG


@propertydef graph()

Returns the underlying graph object


@staticmethod@abstractmethoddef _make_group_override_parser(parser: argparse.ArgumentParser, class_obj: _C, class_name: str) -> argparse.ArgumentParser

Makes a name specific override parser for a given class obj

Takes a class object of the backend and adds a new argument group with argument names given with name so that individual parameters specific to a class can be overridden.


  • parser - argument parser
  • class_obj - instance of a backend class
  • class_name - used for module matching


  • parser - argument parser with new class specific overrides


def handle_help_info() -> None

Handles walking through classes to get help info

For each class this function will search doc and attempt to pull out help information for both the class itself and each attribute within the class




def generate(dict_args: Dict) -> Spockspace

Method to auto-generate the actual class instances from the generated args

Based on the generated arguments groups and the args read in from the config file(s) this function instantiates the classes with the necessary field or attr values


  • dict_args - dictionary of arguments from the configs


namespace containing automatically generated instances of the classes


def resolve_spock_space_kwargs(graph: Graph, dict_args: Dict) -> Dict

Build the dictionary that will define the spock space.

This is essentially the meat of the builder. Handles both the cls dep graph and the ref def graph. Based on that merge of the two dependency graphs it cal traverse the dep structure correct to resolve both cls references and var refs


  • graph - Dependency graph of nested spock configurations
  • dict_args - dictionary of arguments from the configs


dictionary containing automatically generated instances of the classes


@staticmethoddef _cast_all_maps(cls, cls_fields: Dict, changed_vars: Set) -> None

Casts all the resolved references to the requested type


  • cls - current spock class
  • cls_fields - current fields dictionary to attempt cast within
  • changed_vars - set of resolved variables that need to be cast


@staticmethoddef _clean_up_cls_refs(fields: Dict, spock_space: Dict) -> Dict

Swaps in the newly created cls if it hasn't been instantiated yet


  • fields - current field dictionary
  • spock_space - current spock space dictionary


updated fields dictionary


def build_override_parsers(parser: argparse.ArgumentParser) -> argparse.ArgumentParser

Creates parsers for command-line overrides

Builds the basic command line parser for configs and help then iterates through each attr instance to make namespace specific cmd line override parsers


  • parser - argument parser


  • parser - argument parser with new class specific overrides


def _extract_other_types(typed: _T, module_name: str) -> List

Takes a high level type and recursively extracts any enum or class types


  • typed - highest level type
  • module_name - name of module to match


  • return_list - list of nums (dot notation of module_path.enum_name or module_path.class_name)


@abstractmethoddef _extract_fnc(val, module_name)

Function that gets the nested lists within classes


  • val - current attr
  • module_name - matching module name


list of any nested classes/enums

AttrBuilder Objects#

class AttrBuilder(BaseBuilder)

Attr specific builder

Class that handles building for the attr backend


input_classes: list of input classes that link to a backend_configs: None or List of configs to read from_create_save_path: boolean to make the path to save to_desc: description for the arg parser_no_cmd_line: flag to force no command line readssave_path: list of path(s) to save the configs to


def __init__(*args, **kwargs)

AttrBuilder init


  • *args - list of input classes that link to a backend
  • **kwargs - any extra keyword args


@staticmethoddef _make_group_override_parser(parser: argparse.ArgumentParser, class_obj: _C, class_name: str) -> argparse.ArgumentParser

Makes a name specific override parser for a given class obj

Takes a class object of the backend and adds a new argument group with argument names given with name so that individual parameters specific to a class can be overridden.


  • parser - argument parser
  • class_obj - instance of a backend class
  • class_name - used for module matching


  • parser - argument parser with new class specific overrides


def _extract_fnc(val, module_name)

Function that gets the nested lists within classes


  • val - current attr
  • module_name - matching module name


list of any nested classes/enums