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Handles payloads from markup files

BasePayload Objects#

class BasePayload(BaseHandler)

Handles building the payload for config file(s)

This class builds out the payload from config files of multiple types. It handles various file types and also composition of config files via recursive calls


  • _loaders - maps of each file extension to the loader class
  • __s3_config - optional S3Config object to handle s3 access


@staticmethod@abstractmethoddef _update_payload(base_payload, input_classes, ignore_classes, payload)

Updates the payload

Checks the parameters defined in the config files against the provided classes and if passable adds them to the payload


  • base_payload - current payload
  • input_classes - class to roll into
  • ignore_classes - list of classes to ignore
  • payload - total payload


  • payload - updated payload


def payload(input_classes, ignore_classes, path, cmd_args, deps)

Builds the payload from config files

Public exposed call to build the payload and set any command line overrides


  • input_classes - list of backend classes
  • ignore_classes - list of classes to ignore
  • path - path to config file(s)
  • cmd_args - command line overrides
  • deps - dictionary of config dependencies


  • payload - dictionary of all mapped parameters


def _payload(input_classes, ignore_classes, path, deps, root=False)

Private call to construct the payload

Main function call that builds out the payload from config files of multiple types. It handles various file types and also composition of config files via a recursive calls


  • input_classes - list of backend classes
  • ignore_classes - list of classes to ignore
  • path - path to config file(s)
  • deps - dictionary of config dependencies


  • payload - dictionary of all mapped parameters


@staticmethoddef _handle_dependencies(deps, path, root)

Handles config file dependencies

Checks to see if the config path (full or relative) has already been encountered. Essentially a DFS for graph cycles


  • deps - dictionary of config dependencies
  • path - current config path
  • root - boolean if root


  • deps - updated dependencies


def _handle_includes(base_payload, config_extension, input_classes, ignore_classes, path: Path, payload, deps)

Handles config composition

For all of the config tags in the config file this function will recursively call the payload function with the composition path to get the additional payload(s) from the composed file(s) -- checks for file validity or if it is an S3 URI via regex


  • base_payload - base payload that has a config kwarg
  • config_extension - file type
  • input_classes - defined backend classes
  • ignore_classes - list of classes to ignore
  • path - path to base file
  • payload - payload pulled from composed files
  • deps - dictionary of config dependencies


  • payload - payload update from composed files


def _handle_overrides(payload, ignore_classes, args)

Handle command line overrides

Iterate through the command line override values, determine at what level to set them, and set them if possible


  • payload - current payload dictionary
  • args - command line override args


  • payload - updated payload dictionary with override values set


@staticmethoddef _prune_args(args, ignore_classes)

Prunes ignored class names from the cmd line args list to prevent incorrect access


  • args - current cmd line args
  • ignore_classes - list of class names to ignore


dictionary of pruned cmd line args


@staticmethod@abstractmethoddef _handle_payload_override(payload, key, value)

Handles the complex logic needed for List[spock class] overrides

Messy logic that sets overrides for the various different types. The hardest being List[spock class] since str names have to be mapped backed to sys.modules and can be set at either the general or class level.


  • payload - current payload dictionary
  • key - current arg key
  • value - value at current arg key


  • payload - modified payload with overrides

AttrPayload Objects#

class AttrPayload(BasePayload)

Handles building the payload for attrs backend

This class builds out the payload from config files of multiple types. It handles various file types and also composition of config files via a recursive calls


  • _loaders - maps of each file extension to the loader class


def __init__(s3_config: Optional[_T] = None)

Init for AttrPayload


  • s3_config - optional S3 config object


def __call__(*args, **kwargs)

Call to allow self chaining


*args: **kwArgs:


  • Payload - instance of self


@staticmethoddef _handle_payload_override(payload, key, value)

Handles the complex logic needed for List[spock class] overrides

Messy logic that sets overrides for the various different types. The hardest being List[spock class] since str names have to be mapped backed to sys.modules and can be set at either the general or class level.


  • payload - current payload dictionary
  • key - current arg key
  • value - value at current arg key


  • payload - modified payload with overrides