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Handles registering field attributes for spock classes -- deals with the recursive nature of dependencies

RegisterFieldTemplate Objects#

class RegisterFieldTemplate(ABC)

Base class for handing different field types

Once the configuration dictionary has been assembled from the config file and the command line then we need to map these values to the correct spock classes -- seeing as different types need to be handled differently and recursive calls might be needed (when referencing other spock classes) classes derived from RegisterFieldTemplate handle the logic for making sure the argument dictionary passes to the instantiation of each spock class is correct


  • special_keys - dictionary to check special keys
  • _salt - salt used for cryptograpy
  • _key - key used for cryptography
  • _env_resolver - class used to resolve environmental variables
  • _crypto_resolver - class used to resolve cryptographic variables


def __init__(salt: str, key: ByteString)

Init call for RegisterFieldTemplate class


  • salt - salt used for cryptograpy
  • key - key used for cryptography


def __call__(attr_space: AttributeSpace, builder_space: BuilderSpace)

Call method for RegisterFieldTemplate

Handles calling the correct method for the type of the attribute


  • attr_space - holds information about a single attribute that is mapped to a ConfigSpace
  • builder_space - named_tuple containing the arguments and spock_space


def _is_attribute_in_config_arguments(attr_space: AttributeSpace, builder_space: BuilderSpace)

Checks if an attribute is in the configuration file or keyword arguments dictionary

Will recurse spock classes as dependencies might be defined in the configs class


  • attr_space - holds information about a single attribute that is mapped to a ConfigSpace
  • builder_space - map of the read/cmd-line parameter dictionary to general or class level arguments


boolean if in dictionary


@staticmethoddef _is_attribute_optional(attribute: Type[Attribute])

Checks if an attribute is allowed to be optional


  • attribute - current attribute class


boolean if the optional state is allowed


def handle_optional_attribute_value(attr_space: AttributeSpace, builder_space: BuilderSpace)

Handles setting an optional value with its default


  • attr_space - holds information about a single attribute that is mapped to a ConfigSpace
  • builder_space - named_tuple containing the arguments and spock_space

RegisterEnum Objects#

class RegisterEnum(RegisterFieldTemplate)

Class that registers enum types


  • special_keys - dictionary to check special keys
  • _salt - salt used for cryptograpy
  • _key - key used for cryptography
  • _env_resolver - class used to resolve environmental variables
  • _crypto_resolver - class used to resolve cryptographic variables


def __init__(salt: str, key: ByteString)

Init call to RegisterEnum


  • salt - salt used for cryptograpy
  • key - key used for cryptography


def handle_attribute_from_config(attr_space: AttributeSpace, builder_space: BuilderSpace)

Handles getting the attribute set value when the Enum is made up of spock classes


  • attr_space - holds information about a single attribute that is mapped to a ConfigSpace
  • builder_space - named_tuple containing the arguments and spock_space


def handle_optional_attribute_type(attr_space: AttributeSpace, builder_space: BuilderSpace)

Handles falling back on the optional default for a type based attribute


  • attr_space - holds information about a single attribute that is mapped to a ConfigSpace
  • builder_space - named_tuple containing the arguments and spock_space


def handle_optional_attribute_value(attr_space: AttributeSpace, builder_space: BuilderSpace)

Handles setting an optional value with its default


  • attr_space - holds information about a single attribute that is mapped to a ConfigSpace
  • builder_space - named_tuple containing the arguments and spock_space


def _handle_and_register_enum(enum_cls, attr_space: AttributeSpace, builder_space: BuilderSpace)

Recurse the enum in case there are nested type definitions


  • enum_cls - current enum class
  • attr_space - holds information about a single attribute that is mapped to a ConfigSpace
  • builder_space - named_tuple containing the arguments and spock_space

RegisterCallableField Objects#

class RegisterCallableField(RegisterFieldTemplate)

Class that registers callable types


  • special_keys - dictionary to check special keys
  • _salt - salt used for cryptograpy
  • _key - key used for cryptography
  • _env_resolver - class used to resolve environmental variables
  • _crypto_resolver - class used to resolve cryptographic variables


def __init__(salt: str, key: ByteString)

Init call to RegisterSimpleField


  • salt - salt used for cryptograpy
  • key - key used for cryptography


def handle_attribute_from_config(attr_space: AttributeSpace, builder_space: BuilderSpace)

Handles setting a simple attribute when it is a spock class type


  • attr_space - holds information about a single attribute that is mapped to a ConfigSpace
  • builder_space - named_tuple containing the arguments and spock_space


def handle_optional_attribute_type(attr_space: AttributeSpace, builder_space: BuilderSpace)

Not implemented for this type


  • attr_space - holds information about a single attribute that is mapped to a ConfigSpace
  • builder_space - named_tuple containing the arguments and spock_space



RegisterGenericAliasCallableField Objects#

class RegisterGenericAliasCallableField(RegisterFieldTemplate)

Class that registers Dicts containing callable types


  • special_keys - dictionary to check special keys
  • _salt - salt used for cryptograpy
  • _key - key used for cryptography
  • _env_resolver - class used to resolve environmental variables
  • _crypto_resolver - class used to resolve cryptographic variables


def __init__(salt: str, key: ByteString)

Init call to RegisterSimpleField


  • salt - salt used for cryptograpy
  • key - key used for cryptography


def handle_attribute_from_config(attr_space: AttributeSpace, builder_space: BuilderSpace)

Handles setting a simple attribute when it is a spock class type


  • attr_space - holds information about a single attribute that is mapped to a ConfigSpace
  • builder_space - named_tuple containing the arguments and spock_space


def handle_optional_attribute_type(attr_space: AttributeSpace, builder_space: BuilderSpace)

Not implemented for this type


  • attr_space - holds information about a single attribute that is mapped to a ConfigSpace
  • builder_space - named_tuple containing the arguments and spock_space



RegisterSimpleField Objects#

class RegisterSimpleField(RegisterFieldTemplate)

Class that registers basic python types


  • special_keys - dictionary to check special keys
  • _salt - salt used for cryptograpy
  • _key - key used for cryptography
  • _env_resolver - class used to resolve environmental variables
  • _crypto_resolver - class used to resolve cryptographic variables


def __init__(salt: str, key: ByteString)

Init call to RegisterSimpleField


  • salt - salt used for cryptograpy
  • key - key used for cryptography


def handle_attribute_from_config(attr_space: AttributeSpace, builder_space: BuilderSpace)

Handles setting a simple attribute from a config file


  • attr_space - holds information about a single attribute that is mapped to a ConfigSpace
  • builder_space - named_tuple containing the arguments and spock_space


def handle_optional_attribute_type(attr_space: AttributeSpace, builder_space: BuilderSpace)

Not implemented for this type


  • attr_space - holds information about a single attribute that is mapped to a ConfigSpace
  • builder_space - named_tuple containing the arguments and spock_space




def handle_optional_attribute_value(attr_space: AttributeSpace, builder_space: BuilderSpace)

Handles setting the attribute from default if optional

Also checks for clashes with special keys


  • attr_space - holds information about a single attribute that is mapped to a ConfigSpace
  • builder_space - named_tuple containing the arguments and spock_space


def register_special_key(attr_space: AttributeSpace)

Registers a special key if it is found in the attribute metadata


  • attr_space - holds information about a single attribute that is mapped to a ConfigSpace

RegisterTuneCls Objects#

class RegisterTuneCls(RegisterFieldTemplate)

Class that registers spock tune classes


  • special_keys - dictionary to check special keys
  • _salt - salt used for cryptograpy
  • _key - key used for cryptography
  • _env_resolver - class used to resolve environmental variables
  • _crypto_resolver - class used to resolve cryptographic variables


def __init__(salt: str, key: ByteString)

Init call to RegisterTuneCls


  • salt - salt used for cryptograpy
  • key - key used for cryptography


@staticmethoddef _attr_type(attr_space: AttributeSpace)

Gets the attribute type


  • attr_space - holds information about a single attribute that is mapped to a ConfigSpace


the type of the attribute


def handle_attribute_from_config(attr_space: AttributeSpace, builder_space: BuilderSpace)

Handles when the spock tune class is made up of spock classes


  • attr_space - holds information about a single attribute that is mapped to a ConfigSpace
  • builder_space - named_tuple containing the arguments and spock_space


def handle_optional_attribute_value(attr_space: AttributeSpace, builder_space: BuilderSpace)

Not implemented for this type


  • attr_space - holds information about a single attribute that is mapped to a ConfigSpace
  • builder_space - named_tuple containing the arguments and spock_space




def handle_optional_attribute_type(attr_space: AttributeSpace, builder_space: BuilderSpace)

Not implemented for this type


  • attr_space - holds information about a single attribute that is mapped to a ConfigSpace
  • builder_space - named_tuple containing the arguments and spock_space



RegisterSpockCls Objects#

class RegisterSpockCls(RegisterFieldTemplate)

Class that registers attributes within a spock class

Might be called recursively so it has methods to deal with spock classes when invoked via the call method


  • special_keys - dictionary to check special keys
  • _salt - salt used for cryptograpy
  • _key - key used for cryptography
  • _env_resolver - class used to resolve environmental variables
  • _crypto_resolver - class used to resolve cryptographic variables


def __init__(salt: str, key: ByteString)

Init call to RegisterSpockCls


  • salt - salt used for cryptograpy
  • key - key used for cryptography


@staticmethoddef _attr_type(attr_space: AttributeSpace)

Gets the attribute type


  • attr_space - holds information about a single attribute that is mapped to a ConfigSpace


the type of the attribute


def handle_attribute_from_config(attr_space: AttributeSpace, builder_space: BuilderSpace)

Handles when the attribute is made up of a spock class or classes

Calls the recurse_generate function which handles nesting of spock classes


  • attr_space - holds information about a single attribute that is mapped to a ConfigSpace
  • builder_space - named_tuple containing the arguments and spock_space


def handle_optional_attribute_value(attr_space: AttributeSpace, builder_space: BuilderSpace)

Handles when the falling back onto the default for the attribute of spock class type and the field value already exits within the attr_space


  • attr_space - holds information about a single attribute that is mapped to a ConfigSpace
  • builder_space - named_tuple containing the arguments and spock_space


def handle_optional_attribute_type(attr_space: AttributeSpace, builder_space: BuilderSpace)

Handles when the falling back onto the default for the attribute of spock class type

Calls the recurse_generate function which handles nesting of spock classes -- to make sure the attr_space.field value is defined


  • attr_space - holds information about a single attribute that is mapped to a ConfigSpace
  • builder_space - named_tuple containing the arguments and spock_space


@classmethoddef _find_callables(cls, typed: _T)

Attempts to find callables nested in Lists, Tuples, or Dicts


  • typed - input type


boolean if callables are found


@classmethoddef recurse_generate(cls, spock_cls: _C, builder_space: BuilderSpace, salt: str, key: ByteString)

Call on a spock classes to iterate through the attrs attributes and handle each based on type and optionality

Triggers a recursive call when an attribute refers to another spock classes


  • spock_cls - current spock class that is being handled
  • builder_space - named_tuple containing the arguments and spock_space
  • salt - salt used for cryptograpy
  • key - key used for cryptography


tuple of the instantiated spock class, the dictionary of special keys, and the info tuple of the original class and attempted payload