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Creates the spock config interface that wraps attr


def _base_attr(cls, kw_only, make_init, dynamic)

Map type hints to katras

Connector function that maps type hinting style to the defined katra style which uses the more strict attr.ib() definition

Handles dynamic decorators which allows for inheritance of non @spock decorated classes


  • cls - basic class def
  • dynamic - allows inherited classes to not be @spock decorated


  • cls - base spock classes derived from the MRO
  • attrs_dict - the current dictionary of attr.attribute values
  • merged_annotations - dictionary of type annotations


def _process_class(cls, kw_only: bool, make_init: bool, dynamic: bool)

Process a given class


  • cls - basic class definition
  • kw_only - set kwarg only
  • make_init - make an init function
  • dynamic - allows inherited classes to not be @spock decorated


cls with attrs dunder methods added


def spock_attr(maybe_cls=None, kw_only=True, make_init=True, dynamic=False)

Map type hints to katras

Connector function that maps type hinting style to the defined katra style which uses the more strict attr.ib() definition -- this allows us to attach the correct validators for types before the attrs class is built


  • maybe_cls - maybe a basic class def maybe None depending on call type
  • kw_only - Make all attributes keyword-only
  • make_init - bool, define a init() method
  • dynamic - allows inherited classes to not be @spock decorated -- will automatically cast parent classes to a spock class by traversing the MRO


  • cls - attrs class that is frozen and kw only