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Handles classes/named tuples for holding class, field, and attribute value(s)

ConfigSpace Objects#

class ConfigSpace()

Class that holds information about the final values of spock class attributes


  • spock_cls - reference to spock class to store information
  • fields - dictionary of the current value of attributes


def __init__(spock_cls: Type, fields: dict)

Init call for ConfigSpace class


  • spock_cls - reference to spock class to store information
  • fields - dictionary of the current value of attributes


@propertydef name() -> str

Returns the name of the spock class associated with ConfigSpace

AttributeSpace Objects#

class AttributeSpace()

Class that holds information about a single attribute that is mapped to a ConfigSpace


  • config_space - ConfigSpace that the attribute is contained in
  • attribute - current Attribute class


def __init__(attribute: Type[Attribute], config_space: ConfigSpace)

Init call for AttributeSpace class


  • config_space - ConfigSpace that the attribute is contained in
  • attribute - current Attribute class


@propertydef field()

Returns the field value from the ConfigSpace based on the attribute name


@field.setterdef field(value)

Setter for the field value from the ConfigSpace based on the attribute name