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Handles prepping and saving the Spock config

BaseSaver Objects#

class BaseSaver(BaseHandler)

Base class for saving configs

Contains methods to build a correct output payload and then writes to file based on the file extension


  • _writers - maps file extension to the correct i/o handler
  • _s3_config - optional S3Config object to handle s3 access


def __init__(s3_config: Optional[_T] = None)

Init function for base class


  • s3_config - optional s3Config object for S3 support


def dict_payload(payload: Spockspace) -> Dict

Clean up the config payload so that it can be returned as a dict representation


  • payload - dirty payload


  • clean_dict - cleaned output payload


def save(payload: Spockspace, path: str, file_name: Optional[str] = None, create_save_path: bool = False, extra_info: bool = True, file_extension: str = ".yaml", tuner_payload: Optional[Spockspace] = None, fixed_uuid: Optional[str] = None) -> None

Writes Spock config to file

Cleans and builds an output payload and then correctly writes it to file based on the specified file extension


  • payload - current config payload
  • path - path to save
  • file_name - name of file (will be appended with .spock.cfg.file_extension) -- falls back to uuid if None
  • create_save_path - boolean to create the path if non-existent
  • extra_info - boolean to write extra info
  • file_extension - what type of file to write
  • tuner_payload - tuner level payload (unsampled)
  • fixed_uuid - fixed uuid to allow for file overwrite




@abstractmethoddef _clean_up_values(payload: Spockspace, remove_crypto: bool = True) -> Dict

Clean up the config payload so it can be written to file


  • payload - dirty payload
  • remove_crypto - try and remove crypto values if present


  • clean_dict - cleaned output payload


@abstractmethoddef _clean_tuner_values(payload: Spockspace) -> Dict

Cleans up the base tuner payload that is not sampled


  • payload - dirty payload


  • clean_dict - cleaned output payload


def _clean_output(out_dict: Dict) -> Dict

Clean up the dictionary such that it can be written to file


  • out_dict - pre-cleaned dictionary


  • clean_dict - cleaned output payload


def _recursive_tuple_2_list(val: Any) -> Any

Recursively find tuples and cast them to lists


  • val - current value of various types


modified version of val

AttrSaver Objects#

class AttrSaver(BaseSaver)

Base class for saving configs for the attrs backend

Contains methods to build a correct output payload and then writes to file based on the file extension


  • _writers - maps file extension to the correct i/o handler


def __init__(s3_config: Optional[_T] = None)

Init for AttrSaver class


  • s3_config - s3Config object for S3 support


@staticmethoddef _check_list_of_spock_classes(val: List, key: str, all_cls: Set) -> List

Finds lists of spock classes and handles changing them to a writeable format


  • val - current value that is a list
  • key - current dictionary key in the payload
  • all_cls - set of all spock classes


def _recursively_handle_clean(payload: Spockspace, out_dict: Dict, parent_name: Optional[str] = None, all_cls: Optional[Set] = None) -> Dict

Recursively works through spock classes and adds clean data to a dictionary

Given a payload (Spockspace) work recursively through items that don't have parents to catch all parameter definitions while correctly mapping nested class definitions to their base level class thus allowing the output markdown to be a valid input file


  • payload - current payload (namespace)
  • out_dict - output dictionary
  • parent_name - name of the parent spock class if nested
  • all_cls - all top level spock class definitions


  • out_dict - modified dictionary with the cleaned data